Christmas Giving Guide

Did you ever watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special? It’s one of my favorites. I love the way Linus tells the Christmas story, reminding everyone what Christmas is all about. The reminder is necessary because so many have forgotten. One of my favorite lines from the movie is when Charlie Brown’s sister Sally is dictating her letter to Santa. She informs him that he need not go through all the trouble to locate specific gifts but can just send money (specifically 10s and 20s). At this point, your social media feeds are probably full of ads for gifts to purchase or to add to your own wish lists, companies luring you to send them your 10s and 20s. For many of us, there are also the many ads that invite us to consider using our resources differently, to donate to organizations that are making a difference in the world. There are so many ministries that are doing really beautiful things, it can often be challenging to know where to give.

At Restor(y) we have the privilege of meeting with leaders of other organizations seeking to bring hope and healing to the church. We recognize that many of you may not have that opportunity, so while you would love to maybe spread some Christmas cheer by supporting organizations that are working to end religious trauma or support survivors, you may not know where to send your donations. That’s why we’ve created this year’s Christmas Giving Guide. The truth is, the work of restoring the church is part of what Christmas is all about. When Mary sings her powerful “Magnificat” she declares that the baby within her is a sign that God is pulling the powerful down from their thrones and lifting up the lowly. When Simeon and Anna meet this child in the temple, they recognize him as the one who has come to restore and redeem. This work of restoration is central to the very meaning of Christmas. If you are looking for a way to remember what Christmas is all about this year, I invite you to give to one of these organizations, to choose to spread Christmas hope by believing that the church can indeed be restored because Christ has come! Emmanuel, our restorer is with us!

Restor(y) Christmas Giving Guide:

  1. Broken to Beloved: Dedicated to providing survivors of spiritual abuse with safe spaces to heal while also committing to work for the restoration of the church so no one else need endure the tragedy of religious trauma.

  2. Fearless Unite: Dedicated to helping individuals find freedom from fear and anxiety, Fearless Unite has recently begun working to help individuals who are battling the anxiety that results from religious trauma while also working to discover how they might help churches minister to those carrying such anxiety.

  3. beEmboldened: beEmboldened exists for those impacted by spiritual abuse by providing support for the prevention of victimization and revictimization, creating a safe place to ask the hard questions, to heal, and to rebuild.

  4. The Raven’s Collective: The Ravens Collective exists to provide safe and healing community to those who have felt cast aside by the church where they can encounter the resurrected Jesus.

  5. The Justice Network: Dedicated to the work of opposing oppression and restoring God’s wholeness to those who have been disenfranchised both in society and within the church.

  6. The Roy’s Report: Committed to reporting the truth and restoring the church, the Roys Report is far more than a news podcast. It is a community of people choosing to believe the church can be healthy again.

  7. Restor(y): We exist to partner with every local church on the hope filled journey to healing. We provide training, resources, and partnerships to pastors and churches who seek to be more trauma informed because we fully believe that trauma does not need to write the church’s story.


Contending for Restoration While Holding to The Truth


Restor(y) Year End Report